Thursday, 5 September 2013

Thoughtful Thursday - Regret

So here's something that I think people often have a hard time understanding. There is a significant difference between regretting something, and not liking the way things turn out. Everybody makes decisions all the time. Some big, some not so big. Lets jump right into extreme examples. Person A (Billy) has just graduated high school, and he decides to go to university to get a degree in medicine. 62882 years and $7639282763839 later, he has a phd. However, in the time he spent at school, there was a recession, and now there are no available jobs in his field. He is faced with another decision. I'm my opinion, it is a very big decision which will affect his whole outlook on life. He can choose whether or not he regrets his decision to go to school. Obviously he would be unhappy, and no matter how he looks at it, it will feel like at least some of that time and money went to waste. But how he approaches the rest of his life is huge. It was not a bad decision to go for that degree, and the jobs that were available at the time. That is not a decision to regret, because there is so much more you get from university than a degree. You get life skills and lifelong friends. In this case, Billy made a good decision, but the result is not what he wanted, or could have anticipated. I'm not sure if that really gets my point across, but I'm curious to hear people's thoughts about this. Maybe some examples from your own life if you're willing to share? A decision that produces an underside able outcome that you don't regret. Or that you do. I'm more interested in the why than the actual situation. 


  1. After a couple of mornings of being awoken by the fractious seagulls and busybody crows, Craig rolled over and announced, "No egrets."

  2. As I get older, and older, I am continually amazed at how the deliberate decisions we have made change our journey and how they bring into our lives interesting and influential people.

  3. A classic you should know.
