Sunday 8 September 2013

Whacky Weekend - facing fears

As requested (almost 2 weeks ago.....shhhh...). One of my greatest fears is being wrong. Sometimes I will even defend an opinion I know to be wrong just so it doesn't appear I was wrong the first time. As a referee (soccer), I face that fear every time I blow the whistle (or don't blow it). I have to be right the first time, or I have 22 angry players, and 2 even angrier coaches yelling at me. But I love reffing. Not just for the money. I love the game, and it's the closest I can get to playing at the highest levels. I hate being wrong. I face that fear when I step onto the field, but the reward is far greater than the risk for me. Now, obviously that's a pretty petty fear in the grand scheme of things. I don't have a phobia, and everybody is wrong sometimes, and as far as I know nobody likes it, so it's not like I'm doing anything out of the ordinary. Which makes this topic difficult for me to get fully into. So I'll leave this to a comment debate/discussion. Also, please make suggestions for next week. 

1 comment:

  1. Fear and phobia, two different beasts. Fear is easier to face, I think. Fears can wax and wane with experience and age and circumstance, but phobias, now there is a bag 'o hammers.

    How about talking about simple kindness?
