Friday 26 July 2013

Fracking Friday - Busses

Oh Victoria, how I wish you could figure out a way to keep your bus drivers on time.  Being late is one thing.  There's not always a way to prevent that, so I do have patience for it.  What I don't have patience for is early busses.  If the bus is supposed to arrive at 7:44am, and I get to the bus stop before 7:40, I should make that bus.  Seems like common sense, right?  Apparently it's not.  I've had this happen several times, and let me tell you, it does nothing to remove stress from my life, which is stressful enough.  Especially on days when I have less than 2 hours between a gardening job and a restaurant job.  It's not easy to fit in all the necessities as it is, and the unreliable busses really don't do anything to help.  I don't ever want to run to work or phone home for a ride again.  I don't pay $85/month for that.

It's a shame that my first themed day is a rant...  Everybody's going to think I'm a really cynical person. I assure you I'm not, but if you don't believe me I guess you'll just have to wait and see for yourself.

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