Saturday 10 August 2013

Fracking Friday - 5 minutes

When you work in a restaurant, you really become a better person-who-eats-out.  You learn all the things that are extremely helpful and make the service staff happy, and you learn what they absolutely hate.  One thing they hate is people who show up 5 minutes before the place closes.  5 minutes.  Clearly not enough time to eat a relaxed meal.  Now, at the place I work, the doors and kitchen both close at the same time - 10:00pm.  So as long as customers have their orders in by 10, we have to serve them.  But by that time, nobody wants new tables. People just want to go home and procrastinate writing their blog posts which they committed themselves to. It's really incredible how many people you can keep at work for an extra hour just by drinking your wine slowly. For me, as long as there is at least one customer in the restaurant, there must be 2 bussers, a server, a bartender, and a couple dishwashers. That's one person holding up at least 6, for those of you who are too lazy to do the math. I guess the biggest issue I have with all that is the people who come in late, leave a huge mess, and don't tip well. It's really just disrespectful. Please don't let yourself be that person. Goodnight.

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