Saturday 17 August 2013

Fracking Friday - commitment

You know what gets on my nerves? When somebody commits to something, then doesn't follow through. If you're going to commit, make sure it's something you can actually do! Like offering to bring buns to a BBQ, or writing a daily blog post.... So yeah... I fell asleep last night before I could even start writing.... But honestly, I think the best way to earn/keep my trust is to do what you say you will. Obviously it's not always possible. Plans and circumstances change over time. That's ok. Just please tell me if it will effect a commitment you've made to me. If you say you'll meet me at gyro park at 4:00pm, be there. If you get called in to work, tell me. Now, the great irony of this post is that I'm not very good at communicating changes in my plans and how they effect others. And it pisses me off when I do it just as much as it pisses me off when other people do. I try not to expect things from people that I wouldn't be willing to give/do in return. But, again, I am guilty. This is a rather strange rant. Perhaps it's bed time. Goodnight world wide interwebs!

1 comment:

  1. I do feel a little badly about not making your lunch this morning. Also, what annoys us most about other people, it seems to me, is what annoys us most about ourselves.
