Saturday 3 August 2013

Fracking Friday - normal

Why can't I have a normal Friday like everybody else? You know, one where I know I get to sleep in the next day? I don't even care if its not on a Friday. I just want one or two consistent days a week where I can do nothing. You wouldn't think that's much to ask for. But apparently that's too much for a university student to ask for. Oh well. Time for another 28 hour weekend. My weekend is, more often than not, an 8 hour period of time (usually overnight...) where I have no obligations. This week it was this morning. But I only have to do this for the summer, and after that, it's all work I don't get paid for, but probably just as busy... Welcome to life! I'll try to make my posts longer in the future. When I'm not so tired.. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Normal Friday? It is a pipe dream. Although I do recognize the yearning for at least one day a week to do nothing, but, it is a pipe dream. I figure, in reality, you can count on Christmas Day, and if you are lucky, Boxing Day too, and maybe one day in January to do nothing. Welcome, Ben, to the adult world, where, as you know, life is a bitter disappointment, but the food can be good.
