Wednesday 14 August 2013

Today's Tuesday - bedroom dentist?

So this guy on mainland BC has been doing dental work on patients out of his own (unclean) house... I don't know about you, but I think that's just a little bit gross, and I would never go to somebody's house for dental work. As much as I hate dentist appointments, the risk of disease or infection just isn't worth it. I'm not going to even go in to why he was running a dental office from his house. I want to know why he had any patients to see at all! I mean, even if I was somehow convinced to go to the house for work, I would want the place to be spotless. Not a fan of having my mouth cleaned with somebody else's saliva. Just sayin.

Here's the article I read:

And a question to respond to should you so desire:
Should the patients be charged for what happened as well as the doctor? Or is it all on him? Food for thought. Ciao

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I shall try this again, however, I seem to be the only one commenting here. Here are some unfocussed thoughts: I haven't read the entire story, and it does sound rather dodgy. However, were the people going to him because they could not afford to go to conventional dentists? If so, then I can be somewhat sympathetic. If not, then buyer beware. Although, I do believe that there is never a call to be unprofessional and unclean/unhygienic. On the other hand, we do live in a privileged society and not everyone in the world has access to clean medical care. And then there is the extreme of hyper-sanitizing in Western culture, which, I like to think we are getting beyond now as I saw a bus advert that advocated using just soap and water with which to wash one's hands. Hummmmmm. Complicated.
