Wednesday 28 August 2013

Today's Tuesday - cell phones

Verizon coming to Canada... I wanted to avoid this one, but there's just been so much hype about it that I can't. If you live in Canada, I'm sure you've heard that Verizon (American) wants to enter the Canadian market, and Bell, Roger's, and Telus (all Canadian - "the Big Three") do not like that. They've been launching ads by every means they can trying to convince Canadians that Verizon is getting unfair special treatment. And they have a point. Lets look at this from both sides of the argument though. There are a lot of very high cell phone bills, and a lot of Canadian companies that can't get established in the market because of the sheer size of the Big Three. There's no way they can afford the competition. Introducing Verizon, who can afford the competition, would lower phone bills across the board. A good thing, right? Maybe, but. We can't forget that lower payments means lower profit for the providers, and lower profit means less money staying within Canada, and being paid to Americans. I say let Verizon bid on the smaller companies, but don't prevent the Canadian companies from doing the same. Fair competition is good, but make it fair from the beginning. Verizon doesn't need a discount to afford it, so don't give it to them. And even if they did, the Canadian government owes them nothing. Thoughts? Here's the link:

1 comment:

  1. Ideas: facing our fears, losing faith, courtesy, food production, good leadership.
