Wednesday 7 August 2013

Today's Tuesday - taxi memorial

Two years ago, at Victoria international airport, a taxi driver was killed while playing cards with his friends and coworkers by an elderly lady who missed the break, and hit the gas instead. Today, there is a memorial garden there, installed by the airport, as well as a new hang out area for taxi drivers further away from the road. This is one of those bittersweet stories where one group performed a really nice gesture for another, but it happened because of a terrible event. Now, with a story like this there will always be some people who ask why the woman has a license in the first place if she couldn't tell the difference between her break and gas pedal, but I don't want to get in to that. I don't know her story, and I most likely never will. It's not my place to judge whether or not she was capable. But, for whatever reason, she missed, and it ended tragically. What I want to do is ask a question about losing someone close to you, as his family and friends did, and as most everybody has at one point or another. Not necessarily to death, though. Maybe a friendship that had a falling out, or a divorce or something. The question I want to ask is this: when you lose someone close, what is the first thing you think of? Do you replay their lives in your head? Do you start thinking about a funeral? Do you try to assign blame? Do you try not to think about it? I think for me, I try to justify it. Make it logical somehow. But I've found that it almost never is. I don't think math or logic are applicable to relationships, but I still try, because that's what makes sense to me. I think it's only my family who reads this, but if you have something related to say I'd love to hear it. Here's the article:

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